January 2025 – Nursery Rhymes


Tuesday January 14, 2025    
Check your preferred location for times


This event’s theme is Nursery Rhymes and is brought to you by Max Chemtov of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Max Chemtov is a mathematician and avid puzzler who enjoys all things wordy. A member of the National Puzzlers’ League and regular contributor to their publication The Enigma, he recently discovered and fell in love with puzzlehunts, and now solves with the team Stumped and Furious. When not puzzling, he can be found playing violin and bassoon in various orchestras and bands around Montreal.



Need a little help to solve the puzzles?

If you are new to Puzzled Pint or just looking for general help then check out Puzzling Basics for tips on how to tackle these style of puzzles. For some puzzles, the Code Sheet is very helpful.


The locations for this event were: