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Location: Mary Had a Little Lamb
- Trace a path from the lamb to Mary, moving square to square and never making a left turn.
- This might take some trial and error, but focus on reaching new areas of the grid.
- Revisiting a square while moving in the same direction means there was an unnecessary loop. But revisiting a square while moving in a different direction can lead to new places.
- Sorry, that's all the hints for finding the path. Keep going, I believe in you!
- Does anything look suspicious about the second row?
- The untravelled cells spell ANSWER MINT SAUCE
There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly
- She swallowed a spider which, in turn, caught a fly.
- Answers are made by having one word "swallow" another, which then "swallows" a letter.
- Five of the word pairs are AGAR and MINE, ARES and PERU, ASTI and CONE, BEST and RANI, COME and POST.
- The other pairs are CRAM and SING, HARD and PONE, HEAT and HYPE, METE and TORI, ROSS and WINE, TIER and WITH.
- The added letters spell the answer PREDILECTION
London Bridge is Falling Down
- Start with numbers that require every possible bridge connecting them. E.g. a 4 with only two possible directions must have double bridges in both.
- A 1 can never connect to a 1 since that pair would then be isolated from the rest. Similarly, there can never be a double bridge between a pair of 2's.
- Keep checking numbers as their options become more limited, either by bridges blocking off some options or maxing out nearby numbers.
- Sorry, that's all the hints for building the bridges. Keep going, I believe in you!
- Look at all the single bridges then, separately, all the double bridges
- The single bridges spell REINVE and the double bridges spell NTION giving the answer REINVENTION
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
- Six bugs are hidden in the grid. No letter is used more than once.
- The bugs can change direction, running up, down, left and right, but not diagonally.
- Two of the bugs are FLEA and MOSQUITO
- The other four are BEE, COCKROACH, LOCUST and TERMITE
- What do the leftover letters spell?
- There are five letters in each row of the grid.
- Each row in the grid is a number in binary with consonants as 0's and vowels as 1's.
- From top to bottom, the binary spells the answer THE INTERIOR
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
- Look for lines that already have all their planets, or that require every cell to be filled with planets.
- Any cell not adjacent to a star, or any cell that is adjacent to more than one star, must be empty.
- Look out for stars that must have both of their planets in a certain line.
- Notice that the final answer has 11 letters. How many stars are there?
- Once you find all the planets, you can flag them in your star chart.
- Each system represents a letter in semaphore.
- Reading left to right, top to bottom gives PERIHELIONS
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
- Answers on the left side are in alphabetical order
- The answers on the right have something in common.
- There be pirates!
- Answers on the right side all start with the sound "ARRR".
- Each answer on the left has a corresponding "piratese" answer on the right, e.g. TICKLE and ARTICLE.
- Connect the corresponding answers with straight lines.
- The first five answers on the left are BITTER, BURR, COMEDIAN, GONE and GUILE.
- The remaining six are KANA, KING, MURRAY, NULLED, TICKLE and TWERK.
- The crossed-out letters, read in order of the numbered cannons, spell LEIF ERIKSON
Meta: Old MacDonald Had a Farm
- What do all the answers have in common?
- E-I-E-I-O!
- Each answer can be placed in one of the lines so that the shaded cells contain E-I-E-I-O.
- Some parts of the earlier flavour texts may have jumped out.
- (That's what I heard from her neighbours, at least.)
- Nine animal sounds are hidden in previous puzzles's flavour text (they may span words!)
- The sounds heard in each puzzle, in puzzle order, are moo and neigh, cluck and mew, hiss and bleat, cluck and neigh, and finally hiss.
- Circle the letters corresponding to the animals heard in each puzzle.
- Reading down, these nine letters spell LIVE STOCK
Bonus: The Wheels on the Bus
- Answers are entered one after another, winding twice around the wheel.
- The answers' first letters are TCT?EI?HA?AOV?CCR?.
- The first words, in order, are TETRA, CORAL, TOO, ???, ETA, INCHES, ??? and HOSE.
- The rest of the words are ANTE, ??? ALTO, OMNI, VANE, ??? CHESS, COOT, RHO and ???.
- The unclued entries are not generally words, but have something in common.
- Buses aren't the only things with wheels.
- Each unclued entry is one letter short of being a wheeled vehicle.
- The number beside each ??? clue gives the position of the missing letter.
- The five vehicles, in clue order, are MINIVAN, SCOOTER, TRACTOR, TRAIN and SEDAN.
- The missing letters, read around the wheel, spell TIRED.