March 2025 – Monkey King


Tuesday March 11, 2025    
Check your preferred location for times


This event’s theme is the Monkey King and is brought to you by Stephanie Yang of Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Stephanie YangStephanie Yang is a Boston transplant who enjoys board games, writing, and soccer. You can find all of her creative ventures at This set marks her fifth Puzzled Pint, and she thanks her family and friends for suffering through all of the early beta-versions of her puzzles! She would like to dedicate this set to her father. Thanks, 爸爸, for telling me all these stories from Chinese folklore!

Where is Puzzled Pint held?

Puzzled Pint is held in a number of venues around the world, and they change each month. The locations for this event (and the location puzzle) will be available nearer the event date.