February 2025 – Birds


Tuesday February 11, 2025    
Check your preferred location for times


This event’s theme is Birds and is brought to you by Kevin Hanson of Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

Kevin is an actuary and data scientist from Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he lives with his wife and four kids. Aside from solving and writing puzzles, he’s a big fan of Alfred Hitchcock films, orchestral suites by Ottorino Respighi, and 1960s folk-rock bands. This is his first Puzzled Pint set, and he hopes you enjoy dad jokes.



Need a little help to solve the puzzles?

If you are new to Puzzled Pint or just looking for general help then check out Puzzling Basics for tips on how to tackle these style of puzzles. For some puzzles, the Code Sheet is very helpful.


The locations for this event were: