We have occasionally had players muse that it would be fun to trickle out a “long game” sort of puzzle via team name in the monthly Puzzled Pint standings over the course of many months. To my knowledge, we now have our first standings-based puzzle.
There is a team of players in Portland that, since October, have been putting their team name on their answer sheet as a sticky-label of symbols and letters. For instance, when they started this weirdness, they were known as “! XEHPOH !
” on the answer sheet and in the Portland standings. I’m not sure I know the entire team, but I do know the two responsible for this puzzle. One has been a Puzzled Pint guest author and another will be soon.
This past month, their team submitted an unusual answer sheet that seemingly ties together the past 7 months of mystery team names:

It was a fun little puzzle that I’m reprinting here as a bonus puzzle for everyone. To save you a trip to the standings page, here are their previous team names:
Team Names ~~~~~~~~~~ 2014-10 ! XEHPOH ! 2014-11 @ PGTODD @ 2014-12 ~ HTUI.Z ~ 2015-01 % RDORK! % 2015-02 $ IFRCYI $ 2015-03 # KQXIRZ #
And please try to avoid putting spoilers in the comments!
Genesis of the idea: It was easier to make a months-long puzzle than come up with a team name that we all like!
But now you must come up with a real team name! Unless…
…to the puzzle design!
Very nice puzzle! I got stuck after the first section for way too long, but finally figured it out! Pretty cool that you’ve been building it for 6 months, too!
That was a perfect puzzle! Just the right level of difficulty. Happy to hear this team is contributing to one of my favorite activities. They rock!