Chicago (City), Illinois, USA
Game Controllers
Anna was roped into being an emergency volunteer for a puzzle hunt on a fourth date with some strange guy she met on the internet. Years later, she is unable to shake either the puzzles or the guy.
Evan plays mediocre folk music and likes it when people get together to play games, whether it’s a puzzle hunt, a trivia game, or an epic game of tag.
James suffers from chronically cold feet and the unwanted affections of his condo’s resident feline. He devotes much of his spare time to helping build a vibrant puzzling community in Chicago, secretly building an army of people willing to play board games on a lazy weekend. He is also the sole creator of the world’s greatest breakfast sandwich.

Sandor is a web designer and educator by day, and puzzle writer by night. Once in a while he posts a new puzzle to his blog, He’s a frequent contributor to the NPR Sunday Puzzle. For a few years in his youth, he believed he invented the pigpen cipher. He has a strong distaste for IPAs.
Wil is a freelance designer of games, puzzles, and trivia. He has done work for major tech companies and for game publishers. He is the creator of the Cardhalla and Instant Game Show events at Gen Con. Wil loves to solve as much as he likes to create.
John (he/him) enjoys hiking, board games, and his 2-piece hard rock band Lemon Knife. He started puzzle-solving/writing in college and has continued since!